Key measures proposed in SEND and alternative provision green paper
Legal requirements for councils around inclusion and the creation of national standards focussed on support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are among a raft of proposals laid out in the government’s SEND green paper.
The SEND and alternative provision green paper has been published following the completion of the Department for Education’s long-awaited SEND review which was launched in 2019.
The proposals, backed by £70m of new funding, will be subject to a 13-week public consultation due to close on 1 July, DfE has announced. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ut_LI2sK1R4?feature=oembed
Increased early intervention for children with SEND and a single system combining SEND and alternative education provision feature highly in the plans.
The creation of new national standards across education, health and care to build for a higher performing SEND system are also among measures set out in the paper.
The national standards will build on the Children and Families Act 2014 which is currently the subject of an enquiry by peers.
The standards look set...