Are you disabled or do you have special education needs?
Are you aged under 25 and living in Rutland County?
If you are, then the SEND Information, Advice
and Support Service (SENDIASS) might be able
to help you to get the support you need.
What does "SENDIASS" mean?
S pecial
E ducational
N eeds and
D isabilities
I nformation,
A dvice and
S upport
S ervice
What this means is that we aim to help children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs or a disability (and their parents or carers) make choices and decisions about matters surrounding their special educational needs or disability with confidence.
Find out more about Information Advice and Support Services for Children and Young People: https://cyp.iassnetwork.org.uk/
SENDIASS for Children and Young People
If you are a young person (post compulsory school age 16-25) you can receive our support seperate to, or together with, your parents or carers.
If you are under 16, you should still have your say about your special educational needs or disability support. Your views and opinions should be taken into consideration and you should be involved in decisions and discussions about your special educational needs or disability.
The service is "Confidential" and "Impartial" - what do these words mean?
Impartial – SENDIASS is a service that is at arms length from the local authority. This means that we do not favour one side over another.
Confidential – This means that your information will not be shared outside the service unless you give us permission or if there is a public interest concern (for example if you may be at risk).
What do we provide information and advice on?
We provide information and advice on anything to do with your Special Educational Needs and/or Disability within Education. This includes:
- Education, health and care plans (EHCP)
- Education, health and care needs assessment process
- Finding out about what support is available near you (the local offer)
- Annual Reviews
- Appeals
- Getting the right support in school/college
- Preparing for Adulthood
- Exclusions
- Transferring schools
Don’t worry if your query is not mentioned above, or if you would prefer to speak to someone. Please get in touch!
How do we provide support?
- By phone - you can call us and speak to one of our friendly and experienced staff. Please call us on 0116 482 0870.
- Face-to-face
- By email – info@sendiassleicester.org.uk
- Social Media - Facebook: SENDIASS Leicester & Twitter: @sendiassl
- Community support – We attend community events by invite
- Written information – We have a range of information and fact sheets available specifically for children and young people on our website
- Support at discussions and meetings
- Explain special educational needs issues/ processes
- Help to write letters/ emails
- Home Visits
- We can come with you to visit a new school or college
- We can help you to access the services you need
- Put you in touch with other services that could help you.
These are just some of the ways that we provide support. If you need support that is different please get in touch.
There are some informative videos surrounding special educational needs and disability support created by the council for disabled children. Please visit their YouTube channel here.
Meet the SENDIASS team
For our individual officer details, please visit our Meet The Staff page.