Challenging Behaviour Foundation – Survey on Family Experiences

There is a new project that the CBF is involved with that may interest you and your family. The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is working with the Institute of Health Visitors to find out about the experiences of parents and carers supporting young children who display difficult or challenging behaviours. This survey is aimed at parents or carers of children with difficult or challenging behaviours aged 11 or under. The results will help to inform training and awareness raising materials for health visitors to help improve their support for families. The survey should take less than 15 to complete. Link:
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Health & Wellbeing Conversation for Young People ages 11 to 18 (SEND up to 25 years)

The Big Barnardo’s Conversation is aimed at highlighting the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people across the UK. This survey has been adapted by the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Young Peoples Advisory Group with kind permission from Barnardo’s to allow us to focus on Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland young people. If you are a young person (or a parent who can support your child or young person), please answer this survey here. The Survey closes on the 28th June, so there is not long left!...
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